May 18, 2011

Drive In window Hamburg style ;-)

Hamburg has many bridges and canals. According to Wikipedia, Hamburgs waterways are crossed by more than 2500 bridges. That is more bridges than London, Amsterdam and Venice combined! That makes Hamburg the bridge capital of Europe.

And the canals, lakes and rivers play a big role in recreation. Many places around the lake Alster rent out boats and canoes. And when the weather is adequate there is a lot of traffic on our waterways.

Business has taken this into consideration, too. Some places offer piers for hungy and thisty captains to take a rest and this place has a "paddle in" window for a drive by refreshment:

Drive In Window Hamburg Style from HamburgCam on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is awesome! If only Mc Donalds learnt from this! I have been thinkingof taking a Hamburg city breaks trip for a while now and this has certainly sold me on the idea.