August 03, 2007

Summer 2007

We are well into the summer 2007 and weather wise, we seem to be a bit unfortunate this year.

Although any meteorologist will have sufficient data to proof to us that this summer is well in the average boundaries of a "Normal" Hamburg summer, most people on the street will not agree.

With severe flooding in England, cold and rainy weather for most northern Europe and blistering heat in southern Europe, something just seems wrong. Is this the climate change or just an unfortunate summer for us here in Hamburg?

Last year was a perfect summer when it came to sunny days. The beautiful weather started just before the soccer world cup and lasted until October.

OK, enough complaining about the weather. The forecast for the next days is good, and we are all ready to do some catching up, chilling in the sun and enjoying the warm and long summer nights. I will try to capture some of the "Summer in Hamburg City" spirit for you.


Anonymous said...

these weather changes are occurring all over world.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, let's hope the weather finally gets better. I want to make and see new cool pictures! ;)